Sunday, January 24, 2010

Tough game

While I was rooting for the Saints, they made it tough. Now they go on
to the Super Bowl. I feel bad for Bret since he had to work twice as
hard as Brees. The Vikings turnovers really made the difference.
Saints will have to play better on the 7th to win it all.

Paul Blanzy, PMP
Be your own MVP!
(636) 288-8789

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Apologies to Maris

A friend of mine suggested McGwire owed an apology to Roger Maris for
juicing up for the home run record. Interestingly enough Maris broke
Babe Ruth's the year MLB extended the season from 154 to 162 games.
So, is Maris' record "tainted"? Or just McGwire's? I know it isn't
exactly the same, but I'm just sayin'.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What's the Big (Mac) Deal?

So, Mark McGwire has to apologize from one millionaire to the others
that he gained an advantage over them by juicing up? I'm not sure why
I should be upset. A bad role model? For who? I haven't seen apologies
from the bankers who cheated me out of billions of dollars... Maybe
that's not such a good role model either.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Impact. After bowls

Now that the season is over, what will the Urban legend really do? Will he break promises to his first or second family?

- Posted using my iPod touch...